Com2uS has announced the official launch of the Com2uS Store, letting fans of the popular studio celebrate their love for the Summoners War franchise all over the world. With the grand opening of the online store, players can now see their in-game faves brought to life with official swag and a wide variety of merch they can bring with them into the real world to flaunt their fandom.
Com2uS is known across the globe for its hit fantasy IP Summoners War, which has three titles under its franchise - Summoners War: Chronicles, Summoners War: Sky Arena, and Summoners War: Lost Centuria. The official store will bring 26 premium products to players, which include collectible art books, special artwork, gorgeous figures, lovely acrylic coasters, wireless chargers and so on. With the opening of the store, fans can now get their hands on previously limited merch that were only up for grabs during special in-person events in the past. ... [MORE]